Creative Community Hubs Network

We are proud to be a member of the Creative Community Hubs Network; a partnership project increasing connections and solidarity between community-based creative hubs across Edinburgh.

“WHALE Community Development Coordinator Tiki Muir and creative freelancer Morvern Cunningham have been working together with the Creative Community Hubs project – looking at developing the network and the impact of different funding models. These are shared in a new report, Funding Better Together, which focuses on relationships and approaches to funding. 

Funding Better Together was printed and launched last week at participating hub Out of the Blueprint, a riso printing social enterprise based at Out of the Blue Drill Hall in Leith which seeks to provide opportunities for young people to work in the creative industries. At the launch, Tiki and Morvern gave an overview of the report and it’s findings and how this will develop with the Hubs work across the city and the project funders, City of Edinburgh Council  and others.

You can read the report here.”

Working Better Together

“The Creative Community Hubs project began in 2021 as a six-month pilot exploring areas of commonality between local creative hubs in Edinburgh. Several key themes quickly emerged, including partnership working, power dynamics, and funding. The findings from this research are captured in the Working Better Together report with the pull-out poster titled How We Would Like It To Be.” Read here"

Shared Learning Workshops

“Sharing best practice expertise has been a valuable part of working together as a network. This video gives insight into how the hubs shared learning and skills through a programme of workshops throughout 2022 and 2023.”