Image Description: A black and white portrait photograph showing a group of about twenty primary school children at the gates of Craigmillar School. In the foreground a group of three boys are laughing and clambering to get into the photo. A policewoman stands in the back of the group smiling. In the far distance children walk across in the playground.
Community Archivist Michael Inman talks about the photo
Sort of a buzz I’d say. I’d say- fun? I’d say…a bit chaotic, which is great!
It really reminds me of me being a little wild kid in the playground, where its just sort of like anyone’s world, it was great, you could just clamber all around and everyone’s like “you get out the way, you get out the way” cos they’re all trying to pose and there’s one at the front whose just like “yeah I’m posing!” and everyone else is like “me me me me me” at the back and I just love that and it brings me right back to being like 6 or 7 or 8 and just having that little wild child sense of feeling of being off and about and clambering around. Just sort of like in hysterics sort of like giggling you know about that. That was something that er, and that’s how…this was sort of like…I want to get in this space and its all these kids together, it’s really good like that but also like, there’s a little one right in the front who’s just so confused and is just like “what’s going on? What’s that?” and that probably would have been me at their age.
Its just really wholesome that there’s like a police officer there, they must have had an interactive day with them or something and they’re just, everyone’s just having a whale of a time and it’s just really nice.
It reminds me of being a little tyrant at that age, and just being a bit of a wild child, and I can almost feel like, I can hear the picture, if you know what I mean, with the kids and everything like that in that space, you know the atmosphere is so well reflected with that in the way its just been captured and I just love that. It makes me feel really
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